hugo file system


content folder

Post, articles, pages all we work should be store in here.

layout folder

for theme override, if you want to modify themes layout just copy layout theme´s folder in here then modify.


for images and static files

to adding a new content:

hugo new posts/

hugo  server

markdown sintax to render an image:

in this case you have to save coverImage.png in the next path tuProyecto/static/images/coverImage.png



this is an example to link an image to out article in papermod theme.

making menus


weight identifies the order of de menu position

if there is no page that represent the menu you want to display it will send you a 404 alert

there isnt page

in here there is no archieve page.

there isnt page

must be an page that represent the view inside layout theme.

archieve in laytou

overide a theme page

in the frontmatter you can add “tag” tags of your post or “categories” tags

more options

you can overide everything just read the layout theme pages. so you can modify both a parametrer either html code.